Fuller Lawyers, P.A.
1135 Kane Concourse, 3rd Floor
Bay Harbor Islands, FL 33154
(305) 445-7150

Many firms talk results. Fuller Lawyers, P.A. gets results. While every case involves different facts, please take a look at some of our recent recoveries:
$2,487,360 - Judgement for our client, the victim of a motorcycle accident. Our client, a German citizen vacationing in the United States, was the passenger on the back of a motorcycle driven by her friend. They were traveling down a main street when a commercial delivery made an illegal turn right in front of the motorcycle, creating a scenario where it was impossible for the motorcycle to avoid a collision. Our client and her friend sustained brain injuries due to their impact with the side of the truck. Due to the luck of a fire-rescue station being less than one block from the crash site, both our client and her friend survived when they were provided almost immediate medical assistance. Nevertheless, our client suffered permanent brain damage that will forever affect her daily life. This judgement allows for our client to obtain the medical and social services support she will forever require.
$1,250,000 - Settlement of a bad faith claim against an insurance company that left its insured exposed to a significant judgement after the insurer paid out the full policy limits to one of two parties injured in an accident, and then claimed it had no further responsibility to protect its insured.
$975,000 - Our client was widowed when her husband committed suicide after the defendant, a mental health facility, assigned an untrained employee to provide him mental health treatment. Our client's husband was displaying serious mental health red flags, and the facility elected to have an unlicensed person pose as a trained mental health counselor to provide treatment. Predictably, the untrained employee ignored obvious red flags, and then exacerbated the issue by asking inappropriate questions that significantly increased the patient's paranoia. Less than 12 hours later, our client's husband was dead. Multiple law firms declined to provide assistance to the widow, all claiming it was almost impossible to recover on a case involving suicide. We were not afraid to take on the challenge, and we were very proud we were able to obtain this settlement for our client and her family.
$700,000 - Settlement after our client was hit by a truck. Our client was severely injured when a commercial truck struck him while he was protecting his girlfriend. As a result of the impact, he was pinned against a fence, and suffered a serious injury to his back. Luckily, he has mostly recovered from his injuries, and the settlement we obtained allowed him to continue his life without the burden of medical bills.
$500,000 - Settlement for a medical malpractice case. Our client's college-aged daughter (her only child) experienced a sudden onset of high fever and discomfort, and immediately visited her local hospital emergency room. The hospital's staff treated her with a medication, and then misdiagnosed the cause of her illness. While still in the ER, the client's daughter had a severed reaction to the medication, and the medical staff had to provide immediate treatment to counteract the medication. After she had stabilized, she was told to rest and was sent home. Only a few hours later, her high fever and discomfort returned, and she was brought back to the ER by a friend. The hospital staff was about to undergo a shift change, and the outgoing staff, not wanting to delay their departure, failed to review the medical record of only a few hours prior. The staff then administered a double dose of the same medication to which she had had the adverse reaction, this time resulting in her death.